This has nothing to do with the weather by the way, but you probably knew that already. On the weather front, ours here in the Wasatch valley is sucking right now and has sucked for 10 days. All that snow that's pounding the midwest and east coast skipped right over Utah and lasnded on those folks back east. Sorry 'bout that. Our weather has been controlled by a high pressure zone this past week & a half causing the valley to be locked into a fog bank. Its an inversion that happens every year but this one is reaching for a new record for the number of days to sock us in.
Its depressing, this fog. The temps stay almost the same, day & night, sometimes only varying 3-4 degrees from the low to high temp and that has hovered just about freezing. Anyway, its a drag. Much better would be a 2 or 3 day storm that would drop feet of fresh snow on the mountains then depart leaving behind bluebird skies, unlimited visibility and lots of sunshine to get out and play in the snow.
But apparently that's not happening this week.
What is happening this week, that started last week is all about the BSU. She is presently on a short notice trip to Oregon to visit with one sister who has been diagnosed with lung cancer. Sister is having surgery on Tuesday. The BSU fretted all last week, made flight arrangements, fought with the other sisters, changed her flight twice and made it to Oregon finally on Saturday- where she had to be escorted off the airplane and pushed in a wheel chair though the airport to catch her ride with one of the sisters.
Today she went to the Urgency Care Center where she was told that she should have just gone straight to the Emergency Room... Of course this professional medical advise came after spending most of today waiting to be seen in the Urgency Care. (Kind of makes a joke of their name I suppose...)
So tomorrow she spends more time it a hospital waiting room to determine if she has a "simmering" appendix or just a painful attack of diverticulitus. Either way she's miserable and hurting and they don't give out pain meds because they don't want to mask pain that would be an indicator that something has gone wrong.
And of course, depending on tomorrow's medical decisons, I may have to be jumping on an airplane towards Oregon myself to be with my bride while she has surgery of her own. Argh!
In other highlights, our brown dog Sandy found a way to break a toe out in the yard yesterday. I think she tried to climb the chainlink and concrete fence separating her from the neighbor's dog since there was some words between them and she was acting like a tripod immediately afterwards. She is still limping tonight and she has one toe that seems to cause her to wince when I touch it. I suppose she will need medical attention tomorrow as well though I don't think there's much to be done. She is getting doggie aspirin to help with the swelling and pain.
I got to go to the gun show yesterday and bought myself a new Swiss Army knife since my last one was left with some hippies during son Noah & Lily's summer road trip last July. This time its the pretty transluscent blue sided model instead of the regular red plastic scales. It really is too big for slacks but I just can't give up the habit of having a swiss army knife in my pocket every day.
And I did homework and studied for a test most of the day today.
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